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Site Fees

Your items can sell for up to $50 and no fees will be charged unless you purchase extras. Enjoy the Free service! After 50.01, we charge 2% to your account to help keep us going!

The account can go negative to $20 owing then it will prevent new listings and bidding. If you're selling bigger or more items a message to us can change this amount. In general -$20 reflects up to 1000$ in sales without extras. I hope that's fair to most of you. 

Account can be topped up and receive verification mark visible to other users. 

User Signup Price
User Sign-up Fee $0.00 CAD
Listing Upgrades Fee Amount
Home Page Featuring $2.66 CAD
Category Pages Featuring $1.32 CAD
Highlighted Item $0.44 CAD
Listing Images $0.08 CAD
Listing Media $0.89 CAD
Digital Downloads $1.77 CAD
Additional Category Listing $0.89 CAD
Buy Out $0.00 CAD
Reserve Price $0.00 CAD
Make Offer $0.00 CAD
Sale Transaction Paid By [ From (>=) - To (<) ] Fee Amount
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $0.01 CAD - $49.99 CAD $0.00 CAD
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $50.01 CAD - Above 2.00%
Store Subscription Details Price
Freebee 10 listings $0.00 CAD
Prospector recurring every 30 days, 30 listings $4.42 CAD
Gold Miner recurring every 30 days, 30 listings, featured store $8.85 CAD
Gold Medal recurring every 30 days, 200 listings, featured store $17.70 CAD